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Naval Architect

Cooke Naval Architect Consultants Inc.

The Principle Naval Architect also has experince at sea on sailing vessels (ie Open60 trans-Atlantic, Halifax Canada to La Rochelle,France), single, double handed distance races up to 300 miles
He has also sailed on Mine Sweepers, Coastguard cutters and commercial vessels in the Atlantic, North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Canadian Great Lakes etc.
He also has passed CYA Celestial Navigation, and CPS (AP) advanced Piloting,Junior Navigator(JN), VHF radio examinations.
The Principal Naval Architect is a registered Engineer in Ontairo and the United Kingdom and has a degree from the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in Naval Architecture and shipbuilding, and also a Diploma (with Distinction) in Surveying (small craft, commercial and pleasure craft) from Lloyd's Maritime Academy.
American Society of Appraisers Course: ME208
Membership of:
Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Society of Naval Architects and Marine engineers (SNAME)
American Boat and Yacht Council Inc. (ABYC)
Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) (P.Eng.)
Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council UK (C.Eng)
International Institute of Marine Surveying.
Over 40 years experience